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Michelle Rodriguez Change from childhood to 2019 (Then and Now)



Michelle Rodriguez – american actress, screenwriter, and DJ. Rodriguez spent her childhood shuttled between the Dominican Republic, Texas and Puerto Rico. She landed her first role in the film Girlfight after beating out 350 other hopeful actresses who auditioned for the lead. Rodriguez endured months of intense physical training in preparation for her role as the angry and fearless Diana Guzman. It paid off—the role garnered her rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. She also won the Gotham Award for Breakthrough performance. Roles in the telefilm 3 A.M., opposite Danny Glover and Pam Grier, and feature films The Fast And The Furious starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker and Resident Evil (2002) followed.

In 2005 she joined the cast of the hit ABC series Lost, playing tough girl Ana-Lucia Cortez. While in Hawaii shooting the series, Rodriguez was arrested on a DUI. The incident violated her California probation for a hit and run DUI and driving with a suspended license.

She served 65 hours out of a five day sentence behind bars in Hawaii, and was due to serve 60 days in jail in California, but spent just over four hours there before being released due to overcrowding. Her bout with the law didn’t hurt her career, however, as she landed a starring role in James Cameron’s mega-hit Avatar (2009), then she had the opportunity to return to the Fast & Furious franchise with Fast & Furious 6 (2013).

She also starred in Machete Kills(2013) alongside Danny Trejo and Sofia Vergara, and Furious 7 (2015) alongside Vin Diesel. Michelle’s latest credits include the action thriller The Assignment (2017) with Sigourney Weaver, the animated comedy Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017) with Julia Roberts and Joe Manganiello, and the action thriller The Fate of the Furious (2017), in which she reprises her role as Letty ‘Ortiz’ Toretto alongside Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson.

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Watch Now: Fast and Furious 9 Trailer



The Fast and Furious 9 trailer has arrived – and it’s more bombastic than any we could have ever dreamed. Do you want family revelations? You’ve got it! Justice for Han?! It’s here! Watch the trailer above.

Earlier this week, a teaser trailer for Fast and Furious 9 – officially titled F9 – was released. It features some of the same footage from the main trailer, such as Dominic Toretto, played by Vin Diesel, teaching his son how to fix a tractor. Of course, trouble’s brewing.

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Paul Walker’s Daughter Awarded $10.1 Million In Lawsuit Over His Death



The 19-year-old reached a settlement with the estate of Roger Rodas, the driver who was also killed.Meadow Walker, the 19-year-old daughter of actor Paul Walker, has been awarded $10.1 million in a settlement with the estate of Roger Rodas. Both Rodas and Walker died when the Porsche Carrera GT Rodas was driving crashed and exploded Nov., 20, 2013.

”The amount paid by the estate of Roger Rodas into a trust for Meadow Walker only covers a fraction of what her father would have earned as an international movie star had his life not tragically been cut short,” Meadow’s lawyer Jeff Milam said in a statement to People on Thursday. “Through his estate, Mr. Rodas, the driver of the car, took partial responsibility for the crash. Meadow’s lawsuit against Porsche AG — a $13 billion corporation — intends to hold the company responsibly for producing a vehicle that was defective and caused Paul Walker’s death.”

On Monday, a judge ruled that there was not enough evidence to prove that Porsche was responsible for the crash in the lawsuit brought by the Rodas estate. However, Meadow’s lawyer says that ruling has no impact on his client’s case against the car company.”The issues in the cases are very different,” Milam said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. “The federal case was filed on behalf of Roger Rodas, who was the driver of the Porsche Carrera GT and was killed instantly upon impact. Meadow’s father, Paul Walker, was a passenger in the car. He survived the crash but was trapped and burned to death because of the vehicle’s defects. A significant portion of the judge’s decision was based on his rejection of evidence because of missed deadlines and also a failure to sue Porshe AG, the manufacturer. Meadow will continue the fight to hold Porsche accountable for selling a defective product that kills.”PAUL WALKER

Daughter’s Lawyer Says PORSCHE’S VICTORY IS IRRELEVANTPorsche will have to pay up dearly in the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Paul Walker’s daughter, despite the car company’s win against the driver’s widow … so says Meadow Walker’s lawyer. Attorney Jeff Milam tells TMZ, Porsche’s big victory will have no impact on Meadow’s case … for several reasons. First, a federal judge ruled against Roger Rodas’ widow, and Meadow has filed in a different legal system … L.A. County Superior Court.

The federal dismissal has no bearing on Meadow’s case. Even more important, Milam says Rodas was killed instantly upon impact, adding, “Meadow’s father, Paul Walker, was a passenger in the car. He survived the crash but was trapped and burned to death because of the vehicle’s defects.” TMZ broke the story, the judge in the Rodas case ruled the claim that the fuel cell was compromised in the crash is irrelevant, because it has nothing to do with the cause of his death. Meadow’s lawyer is claiming the fire was the cause of Paul’s demise, and he’d still be alive were it not for a defect in the cell. Milam says, “Meadow will continue the fight to hold Porsche accountable for selling a defective product that kills.”

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The Road to #F9 Live Concert & Trailer Drop



Fast & Furious 9 is coming out in May 2020 and Vin Diesel’s fast and furious marketing is already going to 11. At this point, we finally know when the trailer will be released – and the extravagant way it will arrive on January 31.

Fast & Furious 9 had the longest shoot of the franchise to date and Vin Diesel shared Instagram updates every step of the way. Recently, he teased that the first trailer would be coming out next month and the release date would be coming December 18.

Then he teased that he saw the trailer himself and was left „speechless“ – he said he had to have dinner with director Justin Lin right away to discuss it.

Then we actually got the trailer release date. Not the trailer, but just the release date – and what a release! In true over-the-top Fast fashion, there’s going to be a live concert in Miami on January 31 with musical performances and Fast and Furious cast members. That’s when the Fast 9 trailer will finally premiere. That’ll all happen just two days before Super Bowl LIV 2020, so they are maximizing the time, place, and interest.

Bonkers in the best way. I find it hard to believe Pitbull won’t be performing too, since this seems like the kind of thing he’d instantly appear at – via fireworks or some kind of exploding cake on a yacht. The Fast & Furious 9 trailer event will at least include Cardi B, Ludacris and Ozuna, who are all in the movie. The trailer had better be damn good after all of the hype.


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